The Italian Word of the Day is...

Italian Word of the Day: Prevenuto

In a world filled with diverse cultures and individuals, it’s all too common for biases and prejudices to arise before we even have a chance to truly understand each other. A...[read more]

Blog Post: The Italian “E” with an Accent – È and É

In Italian, there are three different ways you can write the letter E. Normally it is written in its plain form «e» but sometimes it may be accompanied by an accent – either a grave... [read more]

Beginner Word of the Day: Arrabbiato (angry)

The word for angry in Italian is arrabbiato. It is also the past participle of the verbs arrabbiarsi (to get angry) and far(e) arrabbiare (to anger)...[read more]

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If you love reading in Italian, and want to improve your vocabulary, LingQ is the perfect tool for you. Upload articles, ebooks, blog posts and more to the app, and as you read, you can look up unknown words with the touch of a finger, save them, and study them later on. Check out our full review of LingQ here!

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Italian Idiom of the Week

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Bilingual Blog Posts

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